5 Japanese beauty tips for young and wrinkle -free skin

Japanese women have the reputation of having a very beautiful skin and keeping a young appearance for a very long time.They have almost no wrinkles and their skin is smooth and radiant.Their beauty rituals are known around the world and more and more women are inspired by it to have the skin as perfect as Japanese women.Discover the 5 Japanese beauty secrets to keep a young skin.

Japan has become a world leader in the beauty sector.Taking care of your skin is very important for women, but also for men.They have simple beauty rituals and hydration is at the center of their care routine.If you want to get into Japanese skincare, start by adopting these 5 beauty secrets and you will quickly see the difference!

What are the 5 Japanese beauty secrets to keep a young skin?

If you want to have young skin, hydrated, firmed and devoid of all imperfections, join these 5 Japanese beauty secrets with your daily care routine.

1.Wash your face with a soft cleaner

Cleaning gel - Source: SPM

Whether they have normal, mixed or oily skin, Japanese prefer to clean the face using soft cleaning products that are not likely to irritate their skin.They avoid products that contain chemical substances and rather choose a makeup remover with little alcohol or natural to clean their skin of impurities.They wash their face only in the evening to avoid drying the skin and to keep natural oils and skin hydration.This simple gesture makes it possible to minimize the appearance of wrinkles, to keep a smooth and firm skin and to ensure a deep makeup.

2.Replace the tonic lotion with a serum or a moisturizing lotion

Facial of Japanese - Source: SPM

5 astuces beauté des japonaises pour une peau jeune et sans rides

Serums and sweet lotions are perfect for bringing more hydration to your skin.The tonic lotions can be too drying, unlike the serums that illuminate the complexion and improve the general texture of the skin.You do not need to apply a lot, and once the skin has absorbed the product well you can apply your moisturizer after.Here's how you can prepare a vitamin A serum to eliminate wrinkles.

3.Add a collagen -based product to your routine

Hydrate the skin - Source: SPM

Collagen -based products are very popular in Japan, and we can understand why!Collagen is an excellent anti-aging molecule, and our skin produces about 30 years.Collagen gives elasticity and firmness to our skin, so invest in a collagen cream or serum to hydrate and plug in and prevent the appearance of wrinkles.You can also try cosmetics based on hyaluronic acid for its firming properties.

4.Apply anti-aging masks for the face once and twice a month

Face mask - Source: SPM

The most important thing in the Japanese care routine is to keep their skin at a sufficient level of hydration.The skin always has a better appearance when it is well hydrated, and making masks once or twice a month allows this hydration in depth and plump the skin.To wake up with soft and firmed skin, apply an anti-aging mask before going to bed.

5.Massage your face

Facial massage - Source: SPM

Japanese people understood the benefits of using tools that make it possible to massage the skin of the face.It is a gesture that can only do you good, and which stimulates blood circulation and smooth the skin.Today there are many gadgets and tools such as Jade roller or Gua-Sha stone which can tone the skin, give it radiance and move toxins.

Massage tools that vibrate also make it possible to make the skin absorb the products you use much better, so you can get results faster.Massage your skin firms it and you will immediately have a fresher and radiant complexion.

To have beautiful skin, integrate these Japanese beauty secrets into your care routine.Also keep in mind that you have to let your skin breathe from time to time and not overload it with products.

Read also the potato mask: an effective remedy for eliminating imperfections and having smooth skin

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