"Burning", "Wall", "tidal wave" ... The disturbing images are multiplying to talk about the omicron variant.And faced with this extremely contagious virus, some doctors believe that the FFP2, these duck -shaped masks more filtering than surgicals, could be an option to better protect themselves.Is right ?
The question arises because several of our neighbors have chosen, in the most at risk, to impose this mask.In Bavaria (Germany with a federal system, it is at the level of the Länder that decisions are taken), the wearing of the FFP2 is compulsory in transport and businesses.In Italy, since December 29, this mask is imposed in all public transport (bus, metro, train, plane, etc.), cinemas, museums, theaters and sporting events.And in Vienna, in Austria, this is the case in all closed places.
Sunday, Eric Ciotti relied on these examples to push this track."I call for the generalization of the FFP2, told the Grand Jury RTL/LCI/Le Figaro the finalist of the primary of the Republicans and support of Valérie Pécresse.We are going to come there, I take the bet, because this mask protects more and that other countries, like Austria and Italy, came there, "added the deputy for the Alpes-Maritimes.In the process, Jean-Luc Mélenchon warned this Monday morning that FFP2 masks would be distributed in LFI meetings "because they are more effective than surgical masks".
Another sign that it moves, this time on the teaching side: the University Claude Bernard Lyon 1 announced that FFP2 masks would be made available to each student who is taking a face -to -face examination.
If for the moment, citizens choose their own will to invest in this type of mask, the recommendations have not moved.And questioned about the issue, the ministers retort that these particularly protective masks are reserved for caregivers.
According to a study carried out by the American University of Princeton and published on December 7, 2021, a non-infected person who would spend 1 hour speaking with a positive person in COVID-19 would have up to 30 % risk of being infected;But when both wear a well -adjusted FFP2 mask, this risk drops to 0.4 %.Another strong point: this mask can be worn eight hours, against four for the surgical.
Nevertheless, for the infectiologist Eric Caumes, interviewed by AFP, there is "no reason" to generalize the wearing of the FFP2 mask.These more filter masks must "be reserved for caregivers above all," said the doctor, evoking a "false controversy".
Imposing the FFP2 mask does not seem "obvious" either for Pierre Parneix, public health doctor at the CHU de Bordeaux.On the side of the advantages, "an FFP2 mask, it filters better, that's for sure.Concretely, a surgical mask filters the particles of 3 µm and the FFP2 94 % the particles of 0.6 µm."Hence the interest in looking at this option while the number of contaminations exceeds 200.000 per day in France currently.
But the doctor warns: "In a crowded metro, for an hour, if it is well put well and well supported, there is an added value.But this is not the miracle solution.During the moment I wear it, I am protected, but what do I do afterwards?When I take it away, if I don't wash my hands, if I don't change it every day, if I party in a bar without a mask, the protective effect is really limited ... "
Especially since the technical part is more demanding with an FFP2 than with a surgical."The FFP2 must be adapted to the shape of the face.If there are leaks, it is useless.If you have the beard, it loses in efficiency, takes up the doctor.A badly put mask not to have the expected effect.In addition, it is not waterproof: if you put it in the rain, it loses its effectiveness.»»
Another problem (size): "This mask is not comfortable, it really serves in terms of ears, it is more difficult to bear for a long time.There is additional security but real discomfort.»»
Third brake: its high cost.A box of 20 FFP2 is around 20 euros, against 5 euros for 50 surgical masks."For the moment, 1 euro is the mask, but it may rise, warns Pierre Parneix.In Austria, we reach 5 euros on the FFP2.»» Et 2,50 euros en Italie. « L’État pourra faire des efforts pour certains, mais pas pour tout le monde»», s’inquiète-t-il.However, keeping a week a dear mask has little health interest ...
Cette question financière doit être prise en charge par la collectivité, selon Eric Ciotti : « C’est à l’Etat de doter en masques FFP2 les publics vulnérables, les personnels de santé et les personnels publics comme les enseignants»».Precisely, the latter request returns in the mouths of certain trade unionists.The Secretary General of the National Union of Second degree Teachers (SNES), Sophie Venetitay, estimated at the microphone of Europe 1 Sunday that national education should better protect teachers, and this providing more protective masks.The masks provided, "in washable fabric, do not hold well on the face, she says.They have no bars to pinch on the nose, so they let the air pass, and there are many as a teacher to buy our surgical masks, or even FFP2.»»
"It would be imposed on teachers a strong constraint, contradicts Pierre Parneix.Take a course all day in FFP2, you have to get there, especially with children ... We could already improve the ventilation of classes with CO2 detectors, mobile air purifiers and opening the windows more.»»
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