Do we really breathe more CO2 under the mask (and is it dangerous)?

On our Facebook group "La Voix solidaire: together, find the answers to your questions", several readers tell us that they have trouble breathing with their mask. Is there really a risk in breathing for a long time with a mask? We will explain everything to you.


By Béatrice Quintin|

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"Prolonged use of the mask causes hypoxia", "Breathing again and again the air becomes carbon dioxide, which is why we feel dizzy" can we read on different very shared publications on social networks, accompanied by advice to remove the mask every ten minutes “to avoid dizziness” or not to wear it in the car “not to lose consciousness”.

No risk

Warning, these posts are fake. Healthcare professionals are clear: there is no risk of hypoxia or lack of oxygen supply when wearing the mask, even for several hours.