Top 20 Best Anime of All Time - FuransuJapan

There are now thousands of different anime. But which ones should you absolutely watch? In this article, the editorial staff of FuransuJapan offers you a top 20 of the best Anime of all time!

Unlike most sites dealing with japanimation, we believe that a subjective and/or personal classification is useless for the reader. You don't want to know the best anime from this or that editor, but the best ones according to viewers and analysts! To respond to your request, we relied on the tens of thousands of votes from several sites, such as MyAnimeList. In this way, we can offer you a balanced ranking, based on thousands of reviews collected all over the world and over several years.

It is also important to point out that not all the series proposed in this article will necessarily be suitable for you. This is logical, since anime offers many different formats (one, two, ten seasons) but also various genres (shōnen, shōjo, seinen, gore, magic, etc.). That's why we invite you to pick from this ranking of viewing ideas for later, rather than watching everything in order.

Top 20 Best Anime of All time - FuransuJapan

Finally, in this ranking of the best anime of all time, we give you all the information you need to know about each work: the title, the synopsis, the legal streaming link and the editorial opinion.

Of course, you have the right to disagree with the places in this ranking. In this case, do not hesitate to discuss in the comment space, located at the end of the article. The FuransuJapan site is visited by hundreds of thousands of people every month, so do not hesitate to interact in the comments with the otaku community!

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